The Asperger Parent: How to Raise a Child With Asperger Syndrome and Maintain Your Sense of Humor
Bad Dad/Good Dad

Most parents love their children and do the best parenting job they can at the time. But it’s easier to parent some kids than others.

While no child comes with a rule book, this omission is especially sad when your child has an autism spectrum disorder.

Rather than be too hard on yourself, understand from the outset that you’re not going to get it right everytime. Yet, both you and your child will survive your lapses and your mistakes. Just as you want people to treat your child well, it’s important to treat yourself gently and with kindness.  And most importantly, with humor.

Here’s a book written by Jeffrey Cohen,a dad who knows what it’s like: The Asperger Parent: How to Raise a Child With Asperger Syndrome and Maintain Your Sense of Humor

David Perdew is a man who described himself as a “bad dad”. In his e-book, he talks about his past family life, the changes he made and how he regained trust and closeness with his children. "Never too late to be a wonderful dad!"

Bob Collier, Publisher of the Parental Intelligence Newsletter says of this book, “It's never too late to be a wonderful dad! That's the inspiring message in David Perdew's painfully honest story of his disasters, gradual recovery and ultimate triumph in the world of modern fatherhood. This book is sure to be of great help and encouragement to every dad who's ever struggled in his relationship with a son or daughter and I'm more than happy to recommend it to my readers.”

Follow this link to take a look at Bad Dad


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